Thursday, December 15, 2011

First Tentacle Maker Sold!

Proven Fact: President Nixon hid his tentacles under his jacket. 
It feels amazing having sold one of these things!  I never considered it would effect me this much but, oddly enough, I've been pretty wired these last 24.

Thanks to Matt over at Black Matt's Black Legion Blog for purchasing the first one!

I had made the original mock-up based on a similar product for personal use only.  Mostly because I didn't want to wait weeks for it to arrive.  I found it was not so easy to use, though.  Alignment of the grooves was a big issue.  So, after making some modifications I had something that worked so well I figured other people in the hobby world might want one, too.  "What the heck," said I with a shrug and went forward with investing in having a grip of them made at a local machine shop.

Suddenly, with this first flush of success, there are all sorts of other designs and ideas floating about my noggin.  Having always wondered why people would want to own a business (it's far more work than a "regular job")... now I think I have a small taste of why.

It was only one, I know.  A very small step, indeed.  But it had a pretty huge impact on me.


To order a Tentacle Maker, please click this link Order the Tentacle Maker or click the Order the Tentacle Maker entry in the Pages box to the right.  Only $15.95 + tax and shipping!


  1. This does look very good matey, I shall be ordering one of these with my xmas money!

    Can we possibly see some videos on how to use the tool, maybe even user submitted ones as well?


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