Sunday, December 18, 2011

Quick Tentacle Maker How To Video

This is a quick video I did this weekend on how easy it is to use the Tentacle Maker.  Below are some higher resolution screen grabs from the video.  Enjoy!

To order a Tentacle Maker, please click this link Order the Tentacle Maker or click the Order the Tentacle Maker entry in the Pages box at the top right.  Only $15.95 + tax and shipping!


  1. I built one of these out of some plasti-card. All you need is the textured sheets(Ridged) cut into roughly 4-5 cm squares top and bottom and smoothed at the edges. Then glue one ridged square (ridges out), centered to a flat piece about a cm2 larger than the square this will be the top. The other piece is glued down to another larger rectangular flat piece, make the rectangle about twice as long as the top, place the ridged piece at one end so as to have a 'handle' when making tentacles.:|

  2. DIY is always on option. I applaud your ingenuity. That said, I firmly believe you will get better and more consistent results with a Tentacle Maker.

    BTW, there will be a couple of reviews of my product in the blogosphere in the coming weeks. Feel free to post your DIY alternative there, also.

    Green Stuff Industries

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I've shared this around a bit! Hopefully you'll get a bunch of hits and some sales from it!

  5. this looks like a brilliant product. A wonderful idea.If you don't mind, I'll stick a link on my blog!

  6. This is the best of its kind I have ever seen or heard of! Keep the tutorials running. My policy for tuts is to take nothing for granted!

  7. Thanks for both the compliments and the links!


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