Ron with the world famous From The Warp submitted this short guest post about his WIP Navigator/Mystic. A finished product post will appear on FTW in the coming weeks. Read and enjoy!
After getting my hands on the new Tentacle Makers (I now have all three sizes) from Green Stuff Industries, I knew exactly what I was going to build. Unfortunately, my scratchbuilding skills are not the best, but I think I've managed to capture a little bit of the feeling of the artwork I took my inspiration from.
I wanted to build a Navigator/Mystic type model with all kind of tubes and cables coming from his shell. Not something you'd see very often in an army, but something that looked super cool. I knew it would have been too hard to do for fun without the right tools and when I had all three of the Tentacle Makers, I figured it was finally time to try my hand at making this guy.
The body is a Chaos Terminator torso and the rest of the bits have been collected from my bits box. Greenstuff filled out the rest of the model.

While he may be cool and the greenstuff robes came out pretty good, it's the huge mass of cables that hang from the back of his torso that are the real focus of this model. Using each of the Tentacle Makers, I rolled out various sizes of tubes and gave them different textures. I kept applying layer after layer of cables until this guy's armour was overflowing with them. I can only imagine plugging this guy into a ship once you get him on board.
This guy was a blast to make and it taught me a few things when it comes to scratchbuilding. I still have a long way to go. The Tentacle Makers though are hands down my favorite tools to use and find myself looking for reasons to use them on models.
I'd like to thank GSI for allowing me to post these WIP shots here. You can do lots of super cool things with the Tentacle Makers if you think about it. I know they've opened up a whole new level of detail to me especially with their new sizes. I love the smallest sized one and it's my go to tube maker whenever the need arises.
I've managed to get this guy primed and I'll be painting him in the coming weeks. Rest assured I'll be posting pics of the finished model as well.
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