Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Yet More Delays...

So.  My machine shop (which gives me great prices that cannot be matched anywhere else, otherwise Tentacle Makers would cost 50% more, at least) has once again caused me to fall on my sword with you guys.  I'm at the mercy of this shop, unfortunately.  I am looking into alternate manufacturing avenues but that will take at least another month or two and a good chunck of credit.

I won't be getting the current shipment until about the end of this week.


Once again, I'm horribly-terribly-stupendously sorry for these delays.

I don't like hanging on to peoples money indefinately so if you want a refund, just email your Paypal receipt to me with a polite request for a refund.

For all you guys who are being super patient, I very much appreciate it.  The BoLS review killed my ability to keep up with the order stream.  I'm trying to fix it, but it will take time.


  1. To anyone reading the comments, GreenStuff Industries is good on their word to fullfill orders!! I am living proof. I paid for my set and because of the BoLS review he was out of stock. I could've got my money back but I wanted these tools and it was well worth the wait!! Stick by this company they have a great product and are very nice, honest, people to deal with.

    Hang in there I am sure everything will work out.

    Your friend ,
    Big Mike

    1. Thanks for your support, Mike! I did just get a very small shipment of 5 Tool Boxes in, so I'll get those out to the oldest back orders tomorrow.


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